Prepare me

What can we say that you haven't already heard?
How can we explain your greatness when words only fail?
I've searched for satisfaction in other places yet none is as refreshing as your presences. I long and ache for you, do not neglect your daughter.
If it's the hard stuff you want me to accomplish I'll do it, give me guidance and direction and I'll be your hands and feet. Equip my heart for your work, for the battle is fierce and warriors are strong. My confidence is in the you, not my own strength or knowledge but yours alone. Keep me humble and in constant need of you. When I deceive myself and believe I can do it on my own bring me back and humble me. Create in me a pure heart and a steadfast spirit. Clear my ears for your words only; I don't want to be rocked back and forth, to and fro. Keep me on the straight and narrow path.


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