My trip

Here's the team and Danny and Sue!
I got my hairs did.
Then I undid it.

I got to teach in one of the schools and it was super cool! I taught math but it was very different from how we teach math here in the states. Personally I think it was more difficult then what it needed to be. I think they need new chalkboard paint.
Dinner at the orphanage.
We found these beautiful flowers.
We went to some weavers and it was incredible how much time it takes to make one piece. So tedious. I really enjoyed watching them though.
Here are my sweet friends Candey, Zolayah, and Nema(the three girls in the back)!! This village was called Canteen and was by far our favorite. The children were so receptive to the stories we told. I miss them so much!!!! When I left this village for the last time Sammy asked me when I was going to come and move to Canteen! If only!
I got a hedgehog for my birthday! We named him Spike...yes I know unoriginal but I liked it nonetheless. He was so cute.
This little girl would not stop following me around. She just loved her picture being taken!
These kiddoes were being so cute making faces at us.
Here is a picture of a girl in the orphanage. Her name is Fati and I met her the last time I was there. She is 6 now and was 2 then! So beautiful.

I feel like Africa had such an impact on my life. Though I've been there twice before this time was more memorable than the rest. I know that God is stirring some good things up in my heart and I am getting excited!


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